A Blog is born !!!

I have stood by this busy road in blog land before. I am usually a curious bystander just soaking in all that I see around.Quite a place I must admit ! I must confess that I have toyed before with the idea of taking a step forward and becoming a part of the creative traffic I've admired here. In the end I would always convince myself that technology was never my forte and dismiss these thoughts as vanities that a strong dose of reality would wake me up from. Often that 'reality' came in the form of a phone call or even a TV show.

It all changed this weekend. The weekend started out as a harmless fun vacation weekend, little did I know that my brother was recruiting for Blog Land. Much midnight oil was burned, Miyagi Matthew, my brother from Orlando spoke such profound words of inspiration . I found myself sitting up at 3 am in the morning drawing a blank trying to name the blog. Lo and Behold sometime toward the early hours of dawn a blog was born.

As I am experiencing a full blown bloggers block I think my safest bet would be to wind up the ramblings for the day and come back inspired. Adios for now !!

1 comment:

DM said...

Welcome to blog land! looking forward to being inspired by your many blogs.